Tag Archives: Values

Why I LOVE my Superman T-Shirt in My Life2.0!

I LOVE my superman t-shirt. It reminds me of a childhood hero and it is so soft and comfortable. It is faded and it is fun. It makes me smile and makes others smile…

The Joy of Retirement…and I bought my favorite Superman T-shirt at Walmart for $5.00!

Even when I was working as a successful executive making beau cue bucks, I was never into designer clothes. I never cared about logos or names. It never took me more than 37 seconds to change into shorts and a t-shirt when I got home.

Now that I have pursued early retirement, I LIVE in shorts and flip-flops. And, obviously, I can wear my new Superman t-shirt whenever I want!

When someone sees me in my “S” they usually smile. They like the freedom I show to look confident, have some fun, and not take life too seriously. Every once in a while I see someone else wearing the t-shirt and we smile at each other knowingly.

“Walmart!” we say to one another with a grin.

As an early retiree enjoying a bit of coaching and consulting on the side, the last thing I care to spend money on are my daily clothes. I am going to do yard work in them, play in them, run around town in them. I am certainly not trying to impress anyone and I simply want a shirt that is clean, comfortable, and fun. I WEAR my clothes and I WEAR them out!

Walmart for $5.00 fits the bill!

A few years ago, I might have put my nose up at this shirt, it’s price, and the store where I purchased it. Now, I focus on value, simplicity, and comfort. I love the fact that it was only $5.00. You know what? If I look at a second hand shop I might even be able to find it for $2.50! Now THAT would be cool!!


I. AM. CEOhm!

My priorities are “Family, Fun, and Flexibility.”

My purpose is to “Be Good. Do Good. Have Fun!”

Share your thoughts… Share your favorite shirts! Share your values and purpose!