Tag Archives: retirement goals

Still Goal Oriented — but new goals!

For years, as I built my career one of my key goals and measures was how much I made in compensation. I was motivated and rewarded by an increase in salary, a bigger bonus, stock options or other monetary incentives.

This focus on wealth creation was largely consistent with the American way – bigger, better, more. I brought value to the companies I grew, and I was compensated increasingly for my abilities. I played the game, enjoyed it, and did pretty well. For me, I decided to stop playing that game.

Now, as I move into early retirement, I have not given up on goals. I remain goal oriented but my goals and priorities have shifted. To mention a few:

  • Losing weight and improving my physical fitness for long term health;
  • Learning new skills and hobbies for myself and my family;
  • Taking better care of my wife, my children, my house;
  • Challenging cultural paradigms I have simply accepted for too many years;
  • Challenging myself to think about my spending patterns for the near term and long term;
  • Exploring nature and the true nature of people;
  • Being a better person and making more conscious choices.

Goals are important and the RIGHT GOALS ARE EVEN MORE IMPORTANT.

I will continue to re-evaluate priorities and goals with my wife and children as I re-tire, re-tread, re-calibrate. It is thrilling and energizing to build a purpose driven life on your own terms. There is a model for happiness, and much of it starts by realizing you have much greater control and choice in this world than many believe.

Start by being positive, being proactive, and being true to yourself.

Explore the world and challenge paradigms; let go of your ego, reflect and try new things.

There are too many wonderful games in life to only play one game, one way, with one goal. What are YOUR goals?!