Tag Archives: life lesson

Where have I been? Finding Happiness!

It has been quite a while since my last post to The Joy of Retirement. Let me share why… for the past few months, I had been exploring a few business ventures and did not feel sincere writing about retirement with integrity while at the same time I was putting together pieces for a business.

I spoke with my very understanding business partner to say I need a FULL BREAK for a few more months before I contemplate any next steps even for a flexible work arrangement. She was very supportive and I am very excited for the next few months… you’ll see why.

B.O.B. and Rosie (2)During my first months of retirement, my wife and I have bought an RV, planning a 2 month family trip through national parks out west this summer (Big Rig Adventure). We had a wonderful Bar Mitzvah with our son, organized a big family cruise, helped improve our kids’ grades, I have done yoga, golf, basketball, swam, cooked, lost 15 pounds, and we have thrown the football with our kids more times than we have in their first 13 years!

During these months we have also challenged our paradigms on life priorities taking a refreshed look at consumer marketing, financial goals, and so much more.  Life is simple: Be Happy, Be Nice, and Enjoy Every Moment!

Thanks for letting me take a bit of time off but I am so glad to be back with all sincerity and integrity sharing my thoughts and tips for The Joy of Retirement.  I have a stack of notes, observations, and insights from my first 6 months and I look forward to us sharing and learning from each other. Add to that stack the insights I will get while on the 2 month family vacation in the RV and we have a fun conversation in the works!

For now, please enjoy this wonderful TED lecture from Shawn Achor. He breaks paradigms and shows how easy it can be to lead a happier life. Your happiness, in turn, can drive greater success, fulfillment, and even more happiness!

The video is too large to download directly onto this sight (or I currently lack the technical aptitude to do so) but you can use this link to see the video on YouTube:  Happiness  When you have 10 minutes, link through to watch it, then, come back to comment, share with others, and subscribe – let’s keep the conversation going at The Joy of Retirement!

Enjoy Life!

To Give and To Receive

The Greatest Joys in Life:  Two stories that tie together for a life lesson — stay with me!

As part of my retirement (or re-tire-ment) journey, I am pursuing a variety of learning opportunities.  One of them includes learning to play the guitar.  Wanting to be financially prudent, I found and enrolled in a community course for beginner guitar one evening a week at a local high school.

Guitar Class
Guitar Class for Beginners

I had been looking forward to the class and went last night…  thirty minutes into the hour I was about to text my wife to say, “This is a disaster!”  Fortunately, I did not send the text as the evening was about to change.

It was a wonderfully diverse class of 15 students.  All races, a variety of backgrounds, ages from 40’s to 80’s!  The teacher was very nice but this seemed to be her first time teaching a group instead of one-to-one.  She was quiet and had a hard time getting everyone on the same page, literally.  It seemed to be a waste of time as so many people did not even understand which string to play, where to put their fingers, etc. and the group was losing interest.

Instead of sending that text to my wife — I took a slow breath and turned to the lady next to me to see if I could help.  While I had learned a bit of guitar 30 years ago, she had never touched one and was completely finger-tied.  I showed her where to put her fingers, and we started to go through the first lesson slowly together.  Within minutes, we were playing the first songs together, smiling and laughing.  When we finished, we looked up and the class laughed and applauded!

The teacher had others begin to pair up in two’s and three’s and suddenly the class energy lifted as everyone got to know each other.  By the time we left (and most stayed for more than the hour) we were smiling and looking forward to next week.

By slowing down and taking time to connect to each other, the evening went from near “disastrous” to one of new connections, fun, and engaged learning.

Yoga Practice in Retirement
Yoga is a great retirement pursuit – teaching it can be even more rewarding!

The same day, my wife was about to teach one of her first yoga classes.  My wife has practiced yoga passionately for more than a decade and recently became certified to teach so she could share her passion with others.  She has realized that as much as she loves to practice yoga, teaching yoga is something else entirely for someone who has no desire to be the center of attention.

An opportunity came up for my wife to teach yoga at a home for battered women.  My wife has an incredibly giving heart and this seemed perfect for her — she could bring the love of yoga, the strength of yoga, to women who needed it.  She could teach them and share with them during their time of need.  And she wouldn’t feel as much pressure to be a perfect instructor.

She prepared for the class – reviewed her notes, prepared the music she wanted to play, contemplated what to say and how to make it meaningful for this group of women.

When she went to the designated safe house to teach the course, she found — ONE woman!  This woman was very excited for the yoga class.  My wife had to re-calibrate as teaching just one person was a different experience than teaching a larger class.  She started slowly and watched to see what the woman already knew and what she could teach her to continue her yoga journey.

A few minutes into the yoga practice, my wife in a desire to personalize the experience asked what the woman would like to focus on.  The woman responded, “Can we just stretch a bit and then lay down and breathe?!”

Again, it took my wife a moment to re-calibrate – but she helped the woman through a few neck, back and leg stretches and then they laid down to b-r-e-a-t-h-e…

The woman relaxed and after another moment opened up and started talking to my wife — about her life, about her challenges and about her dreams.  They laughed together and they cried together while laying on their backs.  The woman thanked her private teacher repeatedly.  By the time my wife came home she was exhilarated by the experience of her yoga class at the battered women’s shelter.

She had CONNECTED for one of the most meaningful and mindful yoga sessions ever.  Two women, two strangers, appreciating the peace and simplicity of breathing had connected during a time of need and made each other stronger.

What we can learn from The Joy of Retirement is that by taking a moment, taking a breath, not rushing or focusing merely on our own needs, we can connect with people in new ways that bring meaning, fun and life lessons to ourselves and our family.  I am now excited to play guitar with my new group  each week; my wife is excited to share yoga with more people and see where the journey can take her… and it started by taking a simple breath.

Retire and Breathe!
Retirement should give you the time to BREATHE!

Take a moment to breathe, look around with new eyes, and you will see opportunities to improve the world!

What similar experience have YOU had lately?!  Let us know by commenting below!