Tag Archives: choice

Retirement (or re-tire-ment) is a state of mind!

In retirement, and in life, your attitude creates your reality.

I know, that sounds very metaphysical, but you know what? It is a simple truth.  The more positive you are, the more positive your world will become.  Let me give a simple example from my recent experience.

When I left my job and career earlier this year I proactively announced it to my friends and family.  I sent an email and posted on social media a message that shared the following points:

  • I was stepping down as CEO of the company I had been leading;
  • After 22 years of long days and great successes, I was looking forward to a sabbatical;
  • I was excited to take this time to re-calibrate, re-connect, and re-evaluate how my wife and I wanted to live the next 22 years!

Within 12 hours of sharing this message, I received 200 “likes” on my personal Facebook page and more than 50 comments from my friends with a consistent message primarily saying, “Congratulations!  I am so jealous – enjoy!”

While I was thrilled to hear the broad support for my counter-culture approach, I was intrigued in the reaction as a social experiment.  Based on my message, I received almost unanimous POSITIVE support and many expressions of ENVY for my situation.

I couldn’t help but wonder how different the reactions would have been if I would have posted a different, arguably accurate, reflection of my reality:  “Can you believe it?!  After 22 years, I was just separated from my company 1 year prior to reaching retirement benefits eligibility!”

Certainly the responses would not have been, “Congratulations!” or “I am jealous!”  Perhaps some friends would have tried to pump me up, some would have cursed the company I had worked for, some would have provided me their sympathy and offered networking connections.

The company I had been leading had been sold by the larger corporation, and due to circumstances, ownership, and personnel changes, it was no longer a fit for me.  In fact, I separated from the corporation 1 year short of retirement eligibility.  But I had been fortunate to have saved money over the years, to have married a partner who could embrace living simply, and to have a midlife mindset that was ready to explore a change.

I could choose to be positive and embrace the moment as an adventurer, or I could be negative and dwell on the past as a victim.

Thus, my attitude defined my reality and dictated how others experienced and reacted to it.  I could choose to be positive and embrace the moment as an adventurer, or I could be negative and dwell on the past as a victim.  How true is this for all of the daily events in our lives?  We can embrace daily challenges with a sense of adventure, humor and positivism or we can let those daily challenges wear us down with negativism, exhaustion and a sense of being a victim.  It is YOUR CHOICE how you approach your daily life while working, during retirement and every waking moment!

A heroic writer and philosopher said:

“Forces beyond your control can take away everything you possess except one thing, your freedom to choose how you will respond to the situation.”

― Viktor E. Frankl

I simplify it by teaching my children:

“The one thing you can truly control is your attitude — choose your attitude carefully”

― MyLife2.0

Six months into my early retirement, I am thrilled with the path I am on. I have had great experiences with myself and my familyPositive State of Mind, have explored new paradigms, and have learned new skills. As I continue to build MyLife2.0, I am 20 pounds lighter, feel 20 years younger, and believe I experience 20x more happiness as I enjoy each day and plan for the next decades.

When you face your next life change or choice, embrace it and follow your passion. Choose your attitude, choose your path, and enjoy! There is so much we have yet to do.

I have seen this life reality repeatedly – have you?! Please share your positive experiences…